Planning Work

Do I need permission?

Home > Common Planning Issues

Scenario 1

“I didn’t realise I needed planning permission!”

Planning Stress

Your property may have had its ‘permitted development” rights removed, however, when purchasing your property you may not have been advised of this. Don’t make the mistake of spending your life’s savings on building your dream extension just on the advice of a builder.

Contact me first, for peace of mind.

Scenario 2

“I can’t get hold of a planning officer, I just want someone to come and have a look!”

With Government cutting the budgets for planning departments, many are reducing their basic services. Maybe you just want someone to come and have a look to see if what you are planning is feasible.

Contact me , with over a decade’s worth of planning and enforcement experience, I can take a look and give independant, honest advice, before you spend any money on expensive architect’s fees.

Planning Meeting

Scenario 3

“I didn’t think I needed planning permission for a shed!”

woman with shed

Planning legislation is tricky to interpret. Contact me before starting any building works and I can provide advice based on years of experience in interpreting government legislation. 

If You Need Planning Advice