If you own or manage a listed building and would like to make changes or alter the building, it is important you understand listed building consent.
Is Listed Building Consent Required?
Firstly, if you are for whatever reason unsure if the building you would like to make changes to is listed or not.
You can check the National Heritage List for England.
If the building is on the list it will be protected by additional legislation to help preserve the identity and the character of the building as it has been earmarked as being culturally significant.
The legislation in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states:
“no person shall execute or cause to be executed any works for the demolition of a listed building or for its alteration or extension in any manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest, unless the works are authorised”
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1990/9/section/7 , online, accessed 18/08/2024
Buildings are listed to help preserve the nation’s identity and to preserve sites that have historical significance.
A perfect example of a listed building is Anne Hathaway’s cottage. It is situated in Stratford-on-Avon and was the home of William Shakespeare’s wife-to-be.

Anne Hathaway’s Cottage
Grade 1 listed building
Listed since 25th October 1951
What Happens if You Don’t Obtain Listed Building Consent Before Carrying Out Work?
Failure to obtain listed building consent before carrying out work can result in severe repercussions.
- Enforcement action: The local planning authority may take enforcement action against you, which would involve requiring you to undo the unauthorized work.
- Criminal Prosecution: Unauthorised work on a listed building can be considered a criminal offence, leading to prosecution and potential imprisonment. The maximum penalty is two years imprisonment or an unlimited fine. It’s worth noting the same penalties apply when a condition on a listed building consent is not met.
In addition to the above points, any work carried out without consent that causes damage could harm the owner’s chances of making a future sale on the property.
Get Expert Help to Avoid Expensive Mistakes
When dealing with a listed building, mistakes can be costly. A consultation with a planning expert before starting building work could save significant time and money.
A skilled planning consultant with expert heritage and listed building knowledge can help you with issues surrounding listed building consent by:
- Understanding regulations: Planning experts are well-versed in the intricate legal and planning requirements associated with listed buildings. They can help you interpret regulations and ensure your plans comply with all relevant standards.
- Assessing feasibility: Before embarking on any project, it’s essential to assess its feasibility. Planning experts can evaluate your plans and advise on potential challenges or limitations.
Developing effective applications: Crafting a compelling application for listed building consent requires a deep understanding of the relevant planning authority’s expectations. Planning experts can help you prepare an accurate and comprehensive application.
Negotiating with authorities: Dealing with planning authorities can be time-consuming and complex. Planning experts can act as intermediaries, negotiating on your behalf and advocating for your interests. Simple Planning Solutions have established relationships with many officers in the West Midlands, Warwickshire and the surrounding areas.
Minimizing delays and costs: By engaging an expert, you can potentially avoid costly mistakes and delays that may arise from misunderstandings or errors.
We Can Help
If you require listed building consent, Simple Planning Solutions can help.
Simply contact us to get the ball rolling and we’ll use our expert knowledge to get you the listed building consent you require.
Michelle Hill MRTPI
As a leading planning consultant I can help with the topics covered in this post. Contact me and I can find you a solution to your planning problem.